Photo credit: A. H. Nufus, F. U. Ningrum, P. A. Permatasari with the permission of Textile Museum Jakarta, Indonesia

Selendang Padang

west sumatra – Indonesia

“Symbols of happiness and prosperity, embodying the essence of divine remembrance.

The embroidery shawl from Padang is influenced by Chinese auspicious design. In the middle part, there is a diamond shape framed with four motifs resembling leaves. In Chinese iconography, it is known as ‘ru-yi,’ (如意) and various butterfly ornaments that fill its empty spaces. Inside the diamond, there is a pair of phoenix birds and large botanical flowers with a blooming tree. Other motifs include wave-like patterns, key patterns, motifs resembling Buddha’s fingers, and an umbrella symbolizing Buddhism. In the past, these motifs were interpreted as symbols of happiness and prosperity, reminding of a higher power. The embroidery techniques used include suji saten, suji cair, suji kepalo samek terbuka dan sulam tekat.

NOTE: All contents (text and images) are protected by Indonesian cultural property law. This documentation is intended for educational purposes and to support the preservation of Southeast Asian textile heritage. Any use of published materials is permitted only with attribution to this website as the original source.

Wisdom & Inspiration

The Javanese Yogyakarta King and Queen royal attire decorated with the Parang Rusak motif, a special pattern reserved for the royals until the end of 19th CE exhibited in Museum Batik Indonesia. Photo credit: @Asri H. Nufus, Fitri U. Ningrum, and Puspita A. Permatasari 2023


indonesian Textile Heritage

Textile heritage reflects the pride of rich cultural legacy of Southeast Asian communities. Discover the vibrant colors, intricate patterns, and exquisite craftsmanship that have been passed down through generations. Personal and philosophical wisdom showcased in the beauty of Southeast Asian textiles allow you to embrace the legacy of the UNESCO Silk Road. Explore and immerse yourself in the essence of elegance and captivating world of Southeast Asian Textile Heritage.

indonesian motifs