Photo Credit: Tenunan Songket

SI Lubang bangsi

brunei darussalam

“Brunei’s textile heritage masterpiece that carries the harmomious spirit of musical instruments”

Kain Si Lubang Bangsi is one of Brunei’s textile heritage masterpiece. Bangsi refers to a musical instrument that is similar to a harmonica. According to its designer bangsi means “the act of filling the hole”. This design employs multi-colored threads to decorate the motifs. This unique design incorporates a vibrant array of threads that intricately embellish the motifs. Crafted with traditional techniques and designs, these textiles beautifully showcase the reverence for and celebration of the rich cultural heritage of the country.

NOTE: All contents (text and images)  are protected by Brunei Darussalam cultural property law. This documentation is intended for educational purposes and to support the preservation of Southeast Asian textile heritage. Any use of published materials is permitted only with attribution to this website as the original source.

Wisdom & Inspiration

Brunei traditional clothing exhibition in Art Center in Bandar Seri Begawan (Photo credit: Fitri U. Ningrum 2023) and Brunei Arts and Handicrafts Training Centre (BAHTC). (Photo credit:


brunei darussalam Textile Heritage

Textile heritage reflects the pride of rich cultural legacy of Southeast Asian communities. Discover the vibrant colors, intricate patterns, and exquisite craftsmanship that have been passed down through generations. Personal and philosophical wisdom showcased in the beauty of Southeast Asian textiles allow you to embrace the legacy of the UNESCO Silk Road. Explore and immerse yourself in the  essence of elegance and captivating world of Southeast Asian Textile Heritage.

brunei darussalam motifs