Photo Credit: @Chloe, Alicia, and Puspita A. Permatasari 2023

diamond and a cross stitch appliqué

hmong vietnam

A profound bond with the Divine, beckoning the gods of abundance and happiness to shower their blessings, warding off malevolent spirits.

Hmong people believe that beautiful patterns, such as this diamond pattern, will help them maintain a close connection to the Deity, invite in the gods of wealth and joy to bestow blessings onto their families while fighting against evil spirits. The cross added in between of diamonds symbolized the protection from evil spirit and the cross-shaped diamond symbolized xwm kab or house and ancestral spirit altar, which communicates protection from ancestral spirits to descendants of the family and the lineage. Each pattern, and each part of one pattern, is believed to fulfil multiple wishes at once. A diamond shape with zigzag lines separating four triangles signify houses of Hmong people that represents the cohesiveness of Hmong society and the harmonious relationship between families in a village. Zigzag motifs with flower embroideries, represent path of happiness and elders’ good wishes to young girls for her life’s journey for bright and future growth and full of happiness.

NOTE: All contents (text and images)  are protected by Vietnam cultural property law. This documentation is intended for educational purposes and to support the preservation of Southeast Asian textile heritage. Any use of published materials is permitted only with attribution to this website as the original source.

Wisdom & Inspiration

Tà Ôi  textile artisan at A Lưới District in Vietnam. Photo Credit: @Chloe, Alicia, and Puspita A. Permatasari 2023


Vietnamese Textile Heritage

Textile heritage reflects the pride of rich cultural legacy of Southeast Asian communities. Discover the vibrant colors, intricate patterns, and exquisite craftsmanship that have been passed down through generations. Personal and philosophical wisdom showcased in the beauty of Southeast Asian textiles allow you to embrace the legacy of the UNESCO Silk Road. Explore and immerse yourself in the  essence of elegance and captivating world of Southeast Asian Textile Heritage. 

Vietnamese motifs



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